Top Digital Marketing Channels for Your Business

There are so many channels to choose from to market your business today. How do you know which is best to market your brand?
Choosing the right digital marketing channel for your business marketing depends on:

  • If you sell products or services, and what those are
  • Your ideal customer
  • B2B or B2C?
  • If you run an ecommerce business or a brick & mortar location
  • Short-term marketing goals, long-term marketing objectives

There is no one-size-fits-all marketing platform for any brand—but there is certainly one (at least!) that fits any of our clients’ needs. Here are the top digital marketing channels we like for businesses today to build brand awareness, visibility, and market share.

Digital brand marketing channels to position your brand


Email marketing has been around for many years and is still a strong way to reach your target audience and drive results. It provides brands with opportunities to share newsletters with company updates, information about product launches, announcements about new services or team members, promotional offers, and abandoned shopping carts. It’s a personalized digital communication channel that’s highly customizable, giving brand marketers the ability to segment their lists, create multiple messages, and address recipients by name. In short, email is owned media where brands communicate directly to their audiences with their own curated lists.

Social media – organic and paid

Getting social is no longer a “maybe,” it’s a must for brands. A key part of your marketing puzzle, social media puts you in front of a wider audience. Your brand’s key demographic and the type of content you plan to share will guide which social networks to include in your marketing plan.

Be sure to create and share content that aligns with the platform and your business goals, post on a regular schedule to build brand awareness, and vary your content to keep your brand fresh and informative. This is how you can build your brand’s organic following, when people like, comment and share your posts.

Social media advertising helps reach a more targeted audience with specific messaging, promotional content, and links to landing pages. You can boost or promote posts and run digital ads in various formats with paid social media marketing.

Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)

PPC advertising is a form of online advertising called paid search, based on a brand’s keywords or search terms. There are several types of PPC ads, such as the sponsored listings you see at the top of a search page. Another is digital banner ads and remarketing campaigns.

Advertisers pay for the placement every time a user clicks on the ad. Given that there are 6.8 billion searches on Google a day and over 103,500 per second, these can be highly effective for driving traffic to a brand’s website. They are excellent for local search for service providers and shopping for specific products.

PPC ads are relatively sophisticated, as is the auction platform that automates the ad process. To make a PPC campaign as cost-effective as possible, do thorough keyword research and analysis, and bid on the keywords most relevant to your business and campaign goals—and work with a digital marketing and advertising agency experienced in pay-per-click campaigns.

Content marketing

Content is any business-related material you put out on the internet. It includes blog posts, videos, infographics, brand news stories, white papers, case studies, byline articles on third-party websites, even your brand’s social media posts. If it markets your business and it’s online, it’s content marketing.

As a digital marketing tactic, content marketing generates brand awareness, builds audiences, polishes your brand’s reputation as a thought leader or valuable resource, generates leads, and boosts conversions (inquiries and sales in most cases). It’s an excellent way to reach consumers at different stops along the buyer’s journey. It is also a subtle way to nurture brand-consumer relationships since it is not a direct sales tactic.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO—search engine optimization—helps your website get found on search engine results pages organically. Google holds 91% of all search engine traffic so at Rapunzel Creative, we monitor the latest from Google for best SEO practices and algorithm guidelines.

On-page SEO

Your website or landing page copy must be optimized for the terms consumers use to search for your goods or services. Good on-page SEO tells the search engines what the pages are about and provides value to site visitors. This includes the right keywords and high-quality content, appropriate alt text for images, good internal links between website pages, and strategically created title tags and meta descriptions that align with your marketing content.

When your website or blog copy is deemed relevant and trustworthy by Google (it matches the query and meets SEO best practices), it can show up higher in the results. The higher your brand’s digital content ranks, the more organic website traffic you will generate.

Off-page SEO

This comprises high-value backlinks (external links from another site to yours) that impact a site’s search engine results ranking. Off-page SEO can be bolstered by social media and mentions. These improve your site’s authority in the “eyes” of Google.

Video Marketing

Video marketing gained prominence on YouTube but is prevalent on social media and can be hosted on a brand’s website. Consumers turn to video for entertainment and information, and video is an important part of a digital marketing campaign.

With video marketing for brands is a platform to promote your business, provide product reviews, give demos and tutorials, and increase website traffic to your site. Video marketing builds brand awareness and credibility. Use videos to:

  • give followers a view into your event and behind-the-scenes activities
  • bring people to seminars, meetings and conferences
  • educate and inform about your product or service
  • share expert interviews and panel discussions
  • showcase customer testimonials

Video can be edited into clips to share on other digital marketing channels. For example, you can promote your videos on your social media platforms or via email to widen reach and increase sharing.

Contact Rapunzel Creative for your digital marketing

To get started on your digital marketing campaign—or to explore how these channels can boost your brand—schedule a marketing consultation or a short introductory call with Rapunzel Creative today.

About Rapunzel Creative

Rapunzel Creative is an award-winning branding, digital marketing, and advertising agency located in Bergen County, New Jersey, within the New York metro market. Services include business branding, website design, digital marketing (such as social media, SEO, and email marketing) and advertising campaigns. The agency also specializes in nonprofit marketing and branding. Rapunzel Creative is certified by the State of New Jersey as a (WBE) Women Business Enterprise, is a WBENC certified organization, and is a certified SBA and WOSB and approved contractor with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

Published On: July 7th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Digital Marketing, Marketing Strategy & Tips|

About the Author: Lynn Gregorski

Lynn Gregorski is the founder and president of Rapunzel Creative Marketing. She has decades of experience in branding, marketing and promoting corporations, TV networks, and nonprofits. Her body of work includes national promotions, digital campaigns and Emmy-award-winning video production, as well as marketing communications across all media for nonprofits.

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