Top 10 Tips for Marketing Your Business or Nonprofit on Facebook

Connect. Engage. Sell.

Facebook, the social media giant with over 3 billion monthly active users, isn’t just for sharing pictures and catching up with friends. Facebook is a powerful social media marketing platform that can help your business connect with its ideal audience, build brand loyalty, and drive sales.

But with so much noise on the platform, how do you make your business stand out? Just creating a Facebook page and hoping for the best isn’t enough. To get the most out of Facebook, you need a strategic marketing approach.

Here are ten quick and actionable tips to get your Facebook marketing strategy started.

1) Create Facebook-specific content

Your Facebook content strategy should be tailored for its intended use–and your audience on the platform. Since Facebook is a place where the user is ready to connect, that means creating Facebook-specific copy and captivating visuals to fuel conversations. Use prompts to spur readers to action, and entertain your audience with colorful, engaging, and shareable visuals in a variety of formats to fit each section.

Content formats that work on Facebook:

  • Vertical videos
  • Images, including photos and illustrations
  • Animated graphics
  • Pre-recorded videos
  • Live Streams
  • Polls
  • Audiograms

Each of these formats has a place on Facebook. The more variety offered in your content formatting, the more people you will reach.

2)  Monitor your content

Using Facebook Insights (the platform’s analytics tool) closely track the performance of all of your Facebook content to understand what resonates with your current audience and in what format. Analyze engagement metrics such as likes, comments, and shares to find data on demographics, times your audience is online, and your overall reach.

3) Use data to improve your efforts

Next, leverage insights from those Facebook analytics to refine your strategy. Learn what type of content performs best right now, which times are ideal for posting, and who your exact target audience is. After analyzing the data, create new content to tick all those boxes.

Continuously test and iterate on your content strategy based on performance data. This helps identify what resonates most with your audience. Once you understand what content performs best, you can replicate these successful elements for consistent engagement.

4) Boost your best-performing organic posts

Not all of your content will resonate equally with your audience. Identify posts that organically generate high engagement (i.e., those that generate likes, comments, and shares) through Facebook Insights. Allocate a small budget to boost these top performers to a wider audience on Facebook.

This targeted approach allows you to maximize the impact of your content and reach a new, relevant audience interested in interacting with your brand. Even a small budget can significantly increase your reach and engagement, making your content work harder for you.

5) Listen for mentions

Social listening for mentions of your brand or relevant keywords on Facebook is another great way to increase your reach. Respond to comments, tags, and messages promptly to build stronger relationships with your audience. If appropriate and timely, share any posts you are tagged in to expand your reach and build up good will.

Social listening includes monitoring your Facebook page reviews if you have the review tab activated. Each review deserves your response, whether it is positive or negative, to show that you are actively engaged and present.

6) Run targeted ad campaigns

Facebook Ads Manager offers incredibly powerful tools! Use these to reach highly specific audiences based on interests, behaviors, and online activity. This allows you to craft laser-focused messaging that resonates with the most likely customers, in turn maximizing your campaign ROI and driving conversions. Target your ads to your ideal customer profile for the most effective results.

Tip: Look at the format, style, and copy of your best-performing organic content to launch your next campaign.

7) Partner up to expand your reach

Collaborating with complementary businesses, relevant influencers, or brand ambassadors in your niche can yield significant benefits. Cross-promote user-generated content (UGC), co-host webinars in your Facebook group, or participate in joint giveaways to tap into each other’s audiences and gain valuable exposure.

Strategic collaboration allows you to reach new demographics, build brand awareness, and strengthen your industry presence. It’s also a great way to have some Facebook fun!

8) Show your human side

Social media is about building connections, not just selling a product or service. Go beyond product pitches and showcase your company’s personality. Show the people behind your brand; share behind-the-scenes glimpses, introduce your team, and highlight your company culture. Celebrate employee achievements, host Q&A sessions with key personnel, or even share fun company events.

Showing your human side helps your audience connect with your brand on a deeper level, fostering trust and loyalty.

9) Host Facebook events

Facebook events are a great way to invite audience participation and build community simultaneously. Facebook events are hosted online or serve as invitations to live events and can be anything from product launches and webinars to workshops and industry discussions, to livestreams and podcasts. The Facebook event tab offers an easy way to invite your community.

Utilizing Facebook events generates excitement, builds anticipation, and directly connects the brand with interested users.

10)  Utilize Facebook groups to grow your community

Facebook groups offer a fantastic opportunity to expand your reach. Groups connect you with potential customers and allow you to build a thriving community around your brand in a more private setting.

Here’s how to maximize your effectiveness:

  • Provide value, not promotion: Don’t create a group solely to push your products or services. Instead, be a valuable group host by sharing insightful content, offering advice, and participating in genuine conversations. Promotional content should be sporadic and crafted specifically for this audience.
  • Engage consistently: Don’t post and ghost! Regularly participate in discussions, answer questions of members, and offer helpful insights whenever you can. This helps establish your expertise and build trust within your community.
  • Host AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions: Offer AMAs in your group to position your brand or organization as a thought leader. This can generate interest in your brand and attract potential customers. AMAs can be done in a group chat, a post, or as a livestream.

Building a genuine community takes time and effort. Be patient and focus on providing value, avoiding overly promotional tactics.

Bonus Tip: Use your Facebook page to engage with your audience

Follow other pages and organizations as your Facebook page, and engage with them in your Facebook page feed. Schedule dedicated time each week or daily if possible, to actively engage with other pages and organizations on Facebook as your business or nonprofit. Liking, commenting, and sharing content as the Facebook page will get you seen and in front of other companies, organizations, and local businesses.

Do you have more questions about Facebook? Are you wondering which strategy is best for your company? Contact Rapunzel Creative to learn how our social media consulting and strategy sessions can help boost your engagement and your bottom line.

Looking for similar tips for LinkedIn? Read Top 10 Tips for Marketing Your Business on LinkedIn

About Rapunzel Creative

Rapunzel Creative is an award-winning branding, digital marketing, and advertising agency located in Bergen County, New Jersey, within the New York metro market. Services include business branding, website design, digital marketing (such as social media, SEO, and email marketing) and advertising campaigns. The agency also specializes in nonprofit marketing and branding. Rapunzel Creative is certified by the State of New Jersey as a (WBE) Women Business Enterprise, is a WBENC certified organization, and is a certified SBA and WOSB and approved contractor with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

Published On: March 15th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Digital Marketing, Nonprofit|

About the Author: Lynn Gregorski

Lynn Gregorski is the founder and president of Rapunzel Creative Marketing. She has decades of experience in branding, marketing and promoting corporations, TV networks, and nonprofits. Her body of work includes national promotions, digital campaigns and Emmy-award-winning video production, as well as marketing communications across all media for nonprofits.

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